The Arizona GQP Keeps Getting Weirder
Here it is over a month after midterm elections, Herschel Weird has been defeated in GA, two Cochise County GQP Supervisors are under investigation and the AZ GQP are just getting wound up. Kari “Fake News” Lake and Abe “Anchor Baby” Hamadeh have filed lawsuits to invalidate the elections. Mark “Seditionist” Finchem and some GQPer named Zink also filed lawsuits claiming “they wuz robbed.” These guys never seem to learn. Hamadeh’s earlier suit was thrown out on the grounds it was premature, the election results hadn’t even been certified at the time. That race has now gone into a mandatory recount so, technically, the lawsuit is still premature. And, this is the guy who wants to be Arizona’s top lawyer. He must have gotten his JD from Trump University.
Just like their messiah, The Orange MAGAt, none of these guys presents any evidence of fraud, malfeasance, incompetence or any other actionable basis for a lawsuit, much less “nullifying” the election as Lake wants. They seem to take plays straight out of the MAGAt’s playbook, yell, scream and lie enough and someone will believe you. The best part of the lawsuits is that they name Maricopa County elections officials who are all Republicans! The suits also identify various AZ County Recorders, many of whom are also Republicans. Most interestingly, glaring inaccuracies aside, most AZ laws and election rules were promulgated by the largely Republican state legislators. This absolutely proves these people are not Republicans but some RWNJ (right wing nut job) party of The Orange MAGAt, QAnon whackadoodles and the American Christo-Fascist Taliban.
I’m waiting for the recount to prove that Democrat Kris Mayes is the rightful winner of the race for AZ AG, At that time, I’ll update my yard sign. I already have the final “LOSER!” label ready.